




  • ATN Capital LTD (hereinafter the “Company”) is an investment firm incorporated and registered under the laws of the DOMINICA.
  • The business name ATN Capital LTD and the domain name atncapital.com is owned by the Company. The Company may also register and operate other websites mainly for promotional and marketing purposes in languages other than English.
  • The Client accepts and understands that the official language of the Company is the English language and that he should always refer to the legal documenta- tion posted on the main website of the Company for all information and disclosures about the Company and its
  • The relationship between the Client and the Company shall be governed by this Agreement, as amend- ed from time to
  • By accepting this agreement, the Client enters into a binding legal agreement with the The Agreement shall commence once the prospective Client receives an email that contains the trading account num- ber and certain documents; namely (a) Order Execution Policy, (b) Client Categorisation, (c) Conflict of interest policy, (d) Investor Compensation fund, and (e) Risk Dis- closure Policy, each of which document shall form an in- tegral part of thisAgreement.





Access Codes” means the Client’s access codes, any log- in code, password(s), Client’s Trading Account number and any information required for accessing the Compa- ny’s trading platform and/or Company’s Client portal;

Account Balance” is the “cash balance” on a Cli- ent’s Trading Account (a Client’s account balance does not include profits or losses on any open Positions);

Agreement” means the present agreement and all Supplementary Documents, as the same may be amended from time totime;

Affiliate” means, any company or partnership con-trolled by, or controlling, or in common control with an- other person;

Affiliated company” means (in relation to a per- son) an undertaking in the same group as that person;

Application Form” means the application form supplied by the Company (or on line) to the Client in or- der to open an account with the Company;

Applicable Regulation” means the rules of the MFSA and any other relevant regulatory authority, the rules of any relevant exchange, and all other applicable laws and rules in force from time to time, including Mi- FID;

Authorized Person” means an individual duly authorized on behalf of the Client to perform under the present Agreement;

Ask” (including “Ask Price”) means the price at which the Client can buy;

Balance” means the sum of all deposits, less with- drawals, plus or minus realized profit and loss and shall also include sums in any Trading Account;

Base Currency” means the main currency of the Client’s Trading Account, namely USD, unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties;

Bid” (including “Bid Price”) means the price at which the Client can sell;

Business Day” means a day (other than a Saturday or a Sunday) when banks are open for business in the rec- ognizedprincipal financial center(s) of the relevant cur- rency/ies and which is also not a public holiday or official bank holiday in DOMINICA;

Buy” (including “Go Long”, “Long”, “Long Posi- tion”) means making a buy Transaction or buying at the Company’s quote price;

Client” (including “you”, “your “and “Customer”) means any natural or legal person to whom the Company provides investment and/or ancillary services under this Agreement;

Client Bank Account/s” means an account held in the name of the Client and/or the name of the Company on behalf ofthe Client with a bank or other institution or any electronic payment provider or a credit card proces- sor into which Client Money is deposited;

Client Money” means any money that the Com- pany receives from the Client or hold for or on Client’s behalf subject to client money safeguard provisions in accordance with applicable regulation in the course of, or in the connection with, the Services provided by the Company;


Company’s Website” means www.atncapitalltd.com or anyother website that may be the Company’s website from time to time;

Contract Specifications” means each lot size or each type of the Financial Instrument offered by the Com- pany and all necessary trading information regarding fees, commissions, spreads, swaps, margin and leveragerequirements, etc., that are made available by the Com- pany on the Electronic Trading Platform and/or website;“Corporate Actions” means any actions taken by

an issuer whose listed securities are associated with a Financial Instrument traded through Company’s trading platform(s),such as stock split, consolidation, rights is- sue, mergers, takeovers, dividends, etc;

Electronic Trading Platform/Trading Plat- form/Electronic System” means any electronic system (including any electronic trading platform, MetaTrader platforms, web-based platforms, mobile platforms, etc) offered and operated by the Company, through which the Company provides Investment Services to the Client;

Equity” means the Balance, plus or minus unreal- ized profit and loss that derives from any open positions; “Financial Instruments/Instruments” means any currency pairs or any derivative/CFD having currencies, precious metals, commodities, indices or equity as the underlying’, as more specifically described in paragraph4.2 of this Agreement;

Free Margin” means the amount of funds in the Client’s Trading Account that can be used for trading and it is calculatedas the difference between Equity and Mar- gin (Free Margin = Equity – Margin);

Initial Margin” means the margin required by the Company to open a position. The details for each Instru- ment are available in the Contract Specifications section on the Company’s website;

Introducing Broker” means any financial institu- tion or advisor or legal or natural person obtaining remu- neration from the Company and/or Clients for introduc- ing Clients to the Company;

Investment Services/Services” means the ser- vices to be provided by the Company to the Client as de- scribed in paragraph 4.1 of this agreement;

In writing’ shall include email and disclosures or announcements on the Company’s website, unless other- wise specifiedherein;

Leverage” means the ratio in respect of the Trans- action size and initial Margin. The maximum level of leverage allowedwill be of 1:100 which means that in or- der to open a position the Initial Margin cannot be more than one hundred times less than the Transaction size. Details regarding applicable leverage are available in the Contract Specifications section on theCompany’s web- site;

Lot” means a unit measuring the transaction amount, as posted on the Company’s Website;

Margin” means the required funds that a Client will need to Open Positions, as determined in the Con- tract Specifications section on the Company’s website;

Margin Level” means the percentage Equity to Margin ratio. It is calculated as (Equity / Margin) * 100% and itdetermines the conditions of the Client’s Trading Account;

Margin requirement” means the amount of cash or assets required to maintain Client’s existing open po- sitions;

Market maker” means a person (Company or in- dividual) who is active on the financial markets on a con- tinuous basis as being willing to deal on own account by buying and selling financial instruments against his pro- prietary capital at prices defined by him;

MiFID” means European Union Directive 2004/39/EC dated 21 April 2004 on markets in financial instruments and legislation, rules and regulations made thereunder;

Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF)” means a multilateral system operated by an investment firm or market operator, which brings together or facilitates the bringing together of multiple third-party buying and sell- ing interests in financial instruments - in the system and in accordance with its nondiscretionary rules - in a way that results in a contract;

Open Position” means any position that has not been closed. For example a Long Position not covered by the opposite Short Position and vice versa;

Order” means the request for the transaction ex- ecution;

Outsourcing” means an arrangement of any form between the Company and a service provider by which that service provider performs a process, a service or an activity which would otherwise be undertaken by the Company itself;

Pending Order” means Buy Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Limit and Sell Stop order;

Positions” means open transactions;

Power of Attorney” means the power to authorize a third party to act on behalf of the Client in all the busi- ness relationships with the Company;

Regulated Market” means the multilateral system managed or operated by a market operator and which brings together or facilitates the bringing together of multiple third-party buying or/and selling interests in financial instruments - in the system and in accordance with its non-discretionary rules - in a way that results in a contract, in respect of the financial instruments admit- ted to trading under its rules or/and systems, and which is authorised and functions regularly in accordance with the provisions of MiFID;

Spread” means difference between the purchase price (ask rate) and the sale price (bid rate) of the Finan- cial Instruments at the same moment;

Stop Loss” means an instruction that is attached to a pending order for minimizing loss;

Swap” means the credit or debit applied to Cli- ent’s Trading Account when the Client holds a Position in certain contracts overnight and including non-business days; (rolling over (transfer) of an open position to the next day);

Take Profit” means an instruction that is attached to a pending order for securing profit;

Trading Account/Account/s” means any and all trading accounts opened by the Company for and in the name of the Client under this Agreement, for the pro- vision of Investment Services thereto, and to which a unique number is assigned for internal calculation and reconciliation purposes of relevant inflows/customer de- posits and outflows of money;

Transaction” means any type of transaction per- formed in the Client’s Trading Account including but not limited topurchase and sale transactions involving Fi- nancial Instruments, deposits, withdrawal open or closed trades;

Value Date” means the delivery date of funds; and “We”, “Us”, “Our”, the “Company” means ATN Capital LTD.




  • This agreement (and any amendments to this Agree- ment) are non-negotiable and supersede any previous agreement between the Company and the Client on the same subject matter and takes effect between the Com- pany and the
  • This Agreement sets out the basis on which the Company agrees to provide Investment Services and Fi- nancial
  • This Agreement is provided to assist the Client in making an informed decision about the Company, its services and the risks of the provided Financial Instru-
  • This Agreement should be read in its entirely in deciding whether to acquire or to continue to hold any Financial Instrument and/or to be provided any Invest- ment Service and/or ancillary service by the
  • This Agreement governs all investment services being provided by the Company to its
  • This Agreement applies to retail, professional clients and eligible





  • The Investment Services to be provided by the Com- pany to the Client are:
  1. Execution of orders on behalf of clients; and/or
  2. Dealing as Principal / acting as execution ven- ue.
    • The Company will provide the Investment Ser- vices under paragraph 1 in relation to the following Fi- nancial Instruments (if applicable):
  3. Options, futures, swaps, forward rate agree- ments and any other derivative contracts re- lating to securities, currencies, interest rates or yields, or other derivatives instruments, finan- cial indices or financial measureswhich may be settled physically or in cash;
  4. Options, futures, swaps, forward rate agree- ments and any other derivative contracts relat- ing tocommodities that must be settled in cash or may be settled in cash at the option of one of the parties (otherwise than by reason of a de- fault or other termination event); and


  1. Financial contracts for differences (CFDs).



  • The services of paragraph 1 may involve trans- actions in Financial Instruments not admitted to trading in Regulated Markets or an MTF or even not traded on any stock exchange. By accepting this agreement the cli- ent acknowledges, and gives his express consent for exe- cuting such transactions.
  • The Company shall act as principal and the sole execution venue (non-regulated market) for any Orders placed with the Company by the Client for any Financial Instrument offered by the Company as described in para- graph 2 above.
  • The services provided by the Company do not include the provision of Investment advice and therefore any investment information provided by the Company to the Client will not constitute investment advice and does not warrant or represent any future guarantee or assur- ance on the expected returns of any of Client’s transac- tions. The Client bears all responsibility, without limita- tion, for any outcome of a strategy, investment decision or
  • The Company will deal with the Client based on the terms of:


  1. this Agreement
  2. the Order Execution Policy
  3. the Risk Disclosure Policy
  4. the Conflict of Interest Policy
  5. the Client Classification and client fact find sheet
  6. the Client’s completed Application Form
  7. any additional amendments issued by the Com- pany


  • This Agreement applies to all Transactions of the Client or his/her authorized representative with the Company conducted via internet or any downloadable Electronic Trading Platform/Electronic System offered and operated by/of the




  • Subject always to any applicable obligations in the Regulations, the Client is responsible for making an in- dependent appraisal and investigation into the risks of a particular transaction. The Company gives no warranty as to the appropriateness of the Financial Instruments and investment services and assumes no fiduciary duty in its relations with the Client. Where applicable to the categorisation of the Client and only in relation to Finan- cial Instruments and services subject to the Regulations, the Company will assess the appropriateness ofproposed Financial Instruments, investment services and activities for the The Company will warn theClient if it con- cludes that a particular investment service or Financial Instrument is not appropriate for the Client, subject to the Client providing sufficient information to allow the Company to conduct the assessment ofappropriateness.

      Warning that Service/Financial Instruments may not be appropriate: In the                


event that the Company deals with the Client on an execution-only basis for the buying or selling of complexproducts, the Company is re- quired to make an assessment as to whether the product or service being provided oroffered is appropriate for the Client. In this case, the elements to be assessed will be the Client’s knowledge andexperience in the investment sec- tor relating to that particular category of financial instru- ment offered or required, so as to ensure that the Client is aware of any risks


Where the Client is a Professional Client, the Company is entitled to assume that he/she has the necessary experience and knowledge to enable him/ her to understand the risks involved in relation to those particular investment services or transactions, or types of transaction or product, for which he/ she has been classified as a professional client. If the Client does not consider that he/she does has the necessary knowledge and experience, he/she must make the Company aware of this prior to the provision of such product or service and provide the Company with any available information as to the level of his/her knowledge and experience. The Company accepts no liability in thesecircumstances.




  • Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on spot Forex, spot precious metals, futures, shares or any other commodi- ties available for trading are highly leveraged Financial Instruments and involve a high level of risk. It is possible that the Client loses all his/her invested Capital. There- fore these products may not be suitable for all types of investors and the Client should ensure that he/ she has understood the risk involved and if necessary the Client should seek independent expert
  • The Company will assess whether a proposed Service is appropriate for the Client based solely on in- formation supplied by the Client, including financial in- formation, previous experience in investment products, risk tolerance and investment objectives. It is Client’s responsibility to inform the Company in writing of any information which might reasonably indicate that this as- sessment should be changed. Furthermore, it is Client’s responsibility to ensure that such information is kept up to date
  • General views expressed to the Client (wheth- er orally or in writing) on economic climate, markets, in- vestment strategies or investments, trading suggestions, research or other such information are not to be viewed as adviceor Company recommendations and will not give rise to any advisory relationship. Any information which the Client may receive from the Company will be given in good faith merely for Client’s information and are inci- dental to the provision of other services by the Company to the Client but the Company does not warrant that it is accurate or complete, or as to its tax consequences, and the Company does not accept any responsibility for any loss, liability or cost which the Client might suffer or incur in relying on such
  • When the Client makes a decision to deal or un- dertake in any Financial Instrument, Service or Transac- tion, theClient should consider the risks inherent in such Financial Instrument, Service or Transaction, and in any strategies related The Client assessment of risk should include a consideration without limitation of any of the risks such as credit risk, market risk, liquidity risk, interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk, business, opera- tional and insolvency risk, the risks of “over the counter” (as opposed to on-exchange) trading, in terms of issues such as the clearing house “guarantee”, transparency of prices and ability to close out positions, contingentliabil- ity risk and regulatory and legal risk. The Client should also ensure that he/she has read and understoodCompa- ny’s Risk Disclosure Policy, any accompanying Financial Instrument documentation, for example terms sheets, offering memoranda or prospectuses, and the Financial Instrument’s Contract Specifications for any further rele- vant risk disclosures.
  • The Client unreservedly acknowledge and ac- cepts that, regardless of any information which may be offered by the Company, the value of any investment in Financial Instruments may fluctuate downwards or up- wards andit is even probable that the investment may be- come of no The Client also unreservedly acknowl- edges and accepts that the price and value of Financial Instruments depends on fluctuations in the financial markets which are outside the Company’s control.
  • The Client declares and warrants that he/she has read understood and accepts the following:
  1. Information of the previous performance of a Financial Instrument does not guarantee its current and/or future performance.  The  use  of historical data does not constitute a binding or safe forecast as to the corresponding future performance of the Financial Instruments to which the said information
  2. Some Financial Instruments may not become immediately liquid as a result g. of reduced demand and theClient may not be in a position to sell them or easily obtain information on the value of these Financial Instruments or the ex- tent of the associated risks.
  3. When a Financial Instrument is traded in a cur- rency other than the currency of the Client’s country of residence, any changes in the ex- change rates may have a negative effect on its value, price and
  4. A Financial Instrument on foreign markets may entail risks different to the usual risks of the markets in the Client’s country of  In some cases, these risks may be greater. The prospect of profit or loss from transactions on foreign markets is also affected by exchange rate fluctuations.
  5. A derivative financial instrument (i.e. option, future, forward, swap, contract for difference) may be a non-delivery spot transaction giving an opportunity to make profit or loss on chang- es in currency rates, commodity or
  6. The value of the derivative financial instrument may be directly affected by the price of the secu- rity or any other underlying asset which is the object of the

The Client must not purchase a derivative financial instrument unless he is willing to under- take the risks of losing entirely all the money which he has invested and also any additional commissions and other expenses incurred.

  • The Client acknowledges that risk reducing or- ders or strategies such as “Stop Loss” or “Stop limits” that are intended to limit losses to certain amounts may not always be executed because of unusual market conditions ortechnical Strategies using a combination of positions may be just as risky as or even riskier than sim- ple “Long” or “Short” positions.
  • Negative Balance Protection: This provider pro- tects retail clients so as to ensure that their maximum losses from trading CFDs, including all related costs are limited to the funds related to trading CFDs that are in the retail client’s CFD trading account. This includes any funds yet to be paid into the account due to net profits from the closure of open CFDs connected to the Retail clients shall not incur any additional liability con- nected with their trading of CFDs. The aim of negative balance protection is to ensure that retail clients are pro- tected in exceptional circumstances where there is a price change in the underlying that is sufficiently largeand sud- den, so that this provider is not required to close out the retail client’s position as required by the marginclose-out protection, such that the retail client ends up with a neg- ative account value. This is because large market events may prevent the automatic margin close-out protection from being effective. Where a retail client’s account also includes other financial instruments, only the funds ex- plicitly dedicated to CFD trading and notthose dedicated to other financial instruments are at risk.
  • The Client unreservedly acknowledges and ac- cepts that he/she runs a great risk of incurring losses and damagesas a result of the purchase and/or sale of any Fi- nancial Instrument and he/she accepts and declares that he/she is willing to undertake this
  • The preceding paragraph does not constitute investment advice based on Client’s personal circum- stances, nor is it a recommendation to enter into any of the Services or invest in any Financial Where the Client isunclear as to the meaning of any of the above disclosures or warnings, he/she is strongly recommend- ed to seekindependent legal or financial advice.
  • The Client acknowledges and accepts that there may be other risks than those mentioned in this paragraph The Client should also acknowledge and accept that he/she has read and understood Company’s Risk Disclosure Policy which was provided to him/her during the account opening process and which is avail- able on the Company’s website.






  • The Company shall provide the Client with the fa- cility (access codes) to enter into Transactions or carry on dealings with the Company via an internet website or through some other electronic medium (“Company’s Electronic Systems”). Any such dealings will be done on the basis set out in this paragraph 7 and on the basis ofany additional agreement which the Company may enter into with the Client to regulate such activity.
  • The Client will only be entitled to access Com- pany’s Electronic Systems and enter into Transactions via Company’s Electronic Systems for his/her own internal business use on a non-exclusive, non-transferable
  • All rights and interests and all intellectual property rights (including, without limitation, all trade- marks and trade names in or relating to the Company) are owned by the Company or Company’s suppliers, and are being used by the Company under license, and will remain Company’s property or that of Company’s suppli- ers at all The Client will have no right or interest in those intellectual property rights other than the right to access Company’s Electronic Systems and to use the Services provided via the Company’s Electronic Systems. TheCompany reserves the right to effect any such chang- es and/or any substitution of all or any part of its Elec- tronic Systems at any time, and in any manner, as it might deem fit in its exclusive discretion, and without notice to the Client.
  • The Client may only download any content from the Company’s Electronic Systems (“Content”) in order to use it for his/her designated The Client will treat all Content as confidential. The Client may not re- publish, distribute, reproduce or disclose to any person any of the Content in any form without Company’s prior written consent.
  • The Company may make available to the Client the ability to enter into Transactions through Company’s Electronic
  • Any Content that the Company includes on Company’s Electronic Systems in respect of a Transaction does notconstitute an offer to the Client that the Compa- ny will enter into a Transaction on the terms set The Company may amend that Content at any time in Com- pany’s sole discretion, including, without limitation, after the Client has submitted to the Company a firm indica- tion of interest or other instruction indicating thathe/she wishes to proceed with a Transaction.
  • The Client acknowledges that electronic com- munications can be subject to delay and/or corruption and that content of Company’s Electronic Systems may not be provided in real time or
  • We do not accept orders by telephone, but only through the electronic trading
  • The Client undertakes to take the necessary precautions to ensure the confidentiality of all informa- tion, including, but not limited to, the Client’s Electronic Systems access codes, user ID, portfolio details, transac- tion activities, account balances, as well as all other infor- mation and all
  • The Client shall be personally liable for all Orders given through and under his/her access codes and any such Orders received by the Company shall be deemed to have been given by the Client. Where a third person is assigned as an authorised representative to act on behalf of the Client, the Client shall be personally liable for allOrders given through and under access codes given by the Company to that
  • The Company reserves the right to reject any orders transmitted to the Company through any means other than the Company’s Electronic Systems.
  • The Client undertakes to notify the Company immediately if it comes to his/her attention that Client’s Electronic Systems access codes are being used unau- thorised. The Client accepts that the Company is unable to identify any instances when a person, other than the Client or his/her authorised representative, is logging-in the Company’s Electronic Systems without the Client’s express
  • The Company shall bear no liability if third persons gain access to information, including electronic addresses, electronic communication and personal data, transmitted between the Client and the Company or any other party,by use of the Internet or other network com- munication facilities, telephone, or any other electronic
  • To the extent permitted by law:


  1. The Company excludes any conditions, warran- ties and representations, express or implied, statutory orotherwise as to condition, satisfac- tory quality, performance, fitness for purpose or otherwise regarding the Company’s Elec- tronic Systems;
  2. The Company will not be liable for any loss, lia- bility or cost (including consequential loss) suf- fered or incurred by the Client as a result of in- structions given, or any other communications being made, via theinternet;
  3. The Client will be solely responsible for all Or- ders, and the accuracy of all information, sent via the internet using Client’s access codes or any personal identification issued by the Client; and
  4. The Company is not liable for any damage or loss that may be caused to any equipment or software due toany viruses, defects or malfunc- tions in connection with the access to or use of the Company’s Electronic
    • The Company undertakes the following:
  • any Company’s Electronic Systems will not be targeted at the residents of any particular coun- try and will not be intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any jurisdiction or country where that distribution or use would be contrary to local law or regulation;
  • no Services will be available, and offering circu- lars or other information in respect of them will not be distributed, to person’s resident in any country or jurisdiction where that offering or distribution would be contrary to local law or regulation or which would subject the Compa- ny to any registration or licensing requirement within that jurisdiction; and
  • no action has been or will be taken by the Com- pany in any jurisdiction that would permit a publicoffering of any Financial Instruments de- scribed on the Company’s Electronic In particular, the Company is not a registered broker-dealer or an investment adviser in the United States, and the Company does not offer any services of a registered broker-dealer or in- vestment advisor in the United States nor does it offers any services to persons in the United States.
    • The Company shall maintain its Electronic Systems in such a manner as to ensure its efficient and effective operation. In order to achieve that, the Compa- ny may be required to affect maintenance, replacements, updates, upgrades, fixes and patches to its Electronic Sys- Such actions may cause the Company’s Electronic Systems to be inaccessible to the Client for a period of time. The Company bears no liability for any damages or losses, including financial losses, to the Client caused by any action described herein or by anyunavailability of, or interruption to the normal operation, of the Company’s Electronic Systems.
    • The Company shall have the right to suspend or terminate the Client’s access to Company’s Electronic Systemsif, in the Company’s discretion acting reasonably, the Client fails to perform its payment obligations in re- spect of any Company’s Electronic Systems or the con- nection has been used by the Client in such a way that it adversely affects the Company or any third party, or it has been used other than in compliance with the provisions hereof. Unacceptable usage of the Company’s Electronic Systems includes, without any limitations, unauthorized use of market data, voluntary granting of access to the terminal to unauthorized persons, execution of suspi- cious transactions within the meaning of the Applicable Regulations,








  • The Client understands and acknowledges that all or- ders executed between the Client and the Company are orders executed outside a regulated market or
  • Subject to paragraph 11 above, the Client may give instructions to the Company in (a) writing and duly signed, (b) by electronic means or (c) verbally, by tele- phone or in person provided that the Company is sat- isfied, at its absolute discretion, of the caller’s/Client’s identity and clarity of instructions. The Company may refuse theClient the execution of Transactions in case of lack of clarify or if the instructions do not include essen- tialoperations such as opening position, closing position, changing or removing Orders.
  • In case of an Order received by the Compa-  ny by means other than through the Electronic Trading Platform, the Order will be transmitted by the Company to the Electronic Trading Platform and processed as if it wasreceived by the Client through the Electronic Trading
  • The Client may send instructions for the follow- ing types of orders:
  1. An instant execution order: an order to execute at market price, and/or
  2. A pending order: an order to execute once cer- tain criteria are

             A stop loss and/or take profit may be attached to an instant execution or pending    

                    order. In terms of pending orders the Client may send an instruction for:

  1. Buy Limit: An order to buy a CFD at a specified price lower than the current market price
  2. Sell Limit: An order to sell a CFD at a specified price higher than the current market price
  3. Buy Stop: An order to buy a CFD; the price is set above the current market price and is triggered when the market price reaches the buy stop in-
  4. SellStop:An order to sell a CFD; the price is set lower than the current market price and is trig- gered when the market price reaches the sell stop
  • The Client may trade though his/her Trading Account 24/5 from 00.01 (GMT+2) on a Monday un- til 23.59.59 (GMT+2) on a Friday. It should be noted that trading of certain Financial Instruments occurs during specific timeframes. The Client is responsible to regularly visit the Contract Specifications on the Company’s web- site of such instruments for further details, before trad- ing.
  • In the absence of any other agreement between the Company and the Client, the Company will act on any instruction which it reasonably believes to have been giv- en, or purporting to have been given by the Client or any person authorised on Client’s behalf, without enquiring as to the genuineness, authority or identity of theperson giving or purporting to give such
  • The Client must ensure that any instructions given to the Company are clear and If the Cli- ent does not provide such instructions promptly, clearly and in an intelligible form, the Company may, at its abso- lute discretion, ask the Client to confirm the instruction in writing, in such form as the Company may request, be- fore it acts upon it, or take such other steps at the Client’s cost, as the Company considers necessary or desirable for its own or Client protection, or otherwise take no ac- tion upon the Client’s instructions. The Company is not obliged to accept instructions to enter into a Transaction unless it is required to do so by any Applicable Regula- tions. If the Company declines to enter into a Transaction, it is not obliged to give a reason.
  • The Client acknowledges and agrees that the Company shall be entitled to record all conversations/ communications between the Client and the Company or any representative thereof and maintain such records at its discretion and without further notice (unless re- quired to do so by applicable Regulation). Such records will be the Company’s property and shall be accepted by the Client as evidence of his/her orders or TheCompany has the right to use recordings and/or tran- scripts thereof for any purpose which it deems desirable.
  • The Company reserves the right, at its absolute discretion to confirm in any manner that it may deter- mine the instruction and/or Orders and/or communi- cations sent through the Trading By entering into this agreement, the Client accepts the risk of misin- terpretation and/or mistakes in the instructions and/or Orders through the Trading Platform, regardless of how they have been caused, including but without limitation,technical or mechanical reasons.
  • The Client has the right, at his own risk, to use a Power of Attorney to authorize a third person (repre- sentative) to act on behalf of the Client in all business relationships with the Company as defined in this Agree- ment provided that:
  1. the Client has informed the Company in writing in such a manner as the Company may at any time determine,
  2. the authorized person has been approved by the Company
  3. that both the Client and the authorized person have fulfilled such conditions,

      including the ex- ecution of such document, that the Company may at any time     and at its discretiondetermine.


Unless the Company receives a written notification from the Client for the termination of such representative authorisation, in such a manner as the Company may at any time determine, the Company may continue accept- ing instructions and/or Orders given by such representa- tive on behalf of the Client, and the Client shall recognise such Orders as valid and binding. The written notification by the Client for the termination of the authorisation of the representative must be received by the Company with at least two (2) Business Days’ priornotice.

The Company reserves the right at its discretion and without notice to the Client, to refuse to accept in- structions from any authorized person and to consider the appointment of any such authorized person as termi- nated. Furthermore, the Company may, at any time and at its discretion, reject any existing and previously accepted power of attorney between the Client and any authorised representative, and may reverse any relevant Transac- tions and restore the affected Trading Accounts’ Balance.

  • The Client can open and close a position via its Company’s Trading Platform and add or modify orders by placing “Buy Limit”, “Buy Stop”, “Sell Limit”, “Sell Stop”, “Stop Loss”, and/or “Take Profit” on any Financial Instru- ment offered by the


  • Once given, instructions may only be with- drawn or amended with Company’s The Com- pany canonly cancel Client’s instructions if the Company has not already acted upon them. If, after instructions are received, the Company reasonably believes that it is not practicable to act on them within a reasonable time, or the Company reasonably believes that it is in Client’s best interest not to act on such instructions, the Companymay defer acting upon those instructions until it is in Compa- ny’s reasonable opinion, practicable (or in Client’s best interest) to do so, or notify the Client that the Company declines to act upon such instructions.

Any type of order, as described in Company’s Order Execution Policy which is unavailable through the Elec- tronic Trading Platform will be automatically rejected by the Company.

The status of the Orders is always shown on the Electronic Trading Platform. In the event that access to the Electronic Trading Platform is not possible, the Client may contact the Company by telephone and request the status of any of his/her pending Orders. The Company will not be liable for any losses resulting from any delay or inaccuracy in executing Client’s in- structions, nor in deferring acting or refusal to act.

  • The Company shall not be liable for any loss, expense, cost or liability (including consequential loss) suffered or incurred by the Client as a result of instruc- tions being given, or any other communications being made via the internet or other electronic media. The Cli- ent will be solely responsible for all orders, and for the ac- curacy of all information, sent via such electronic media using the Client’s name or personal identification num- TheCompany shall not be held responsible for delays or inaccuracies in the transmission of any instruction or other information or the execution of orders due to any cause whatsoever beyond the reasonable control of the Company; Provided that, the Company shall always ensure that it acts in the best interests of the Client and no lim- itation of liability herein contained shall be enforceable if and to the extent that they conflict with any regulatory obligations.
  • The Client’s orders are executed at the “BID”/”ASK” prices offered by the Company and which the Client can see in the Electronic Trading The Client places his/her order at the prices he/she sees on his/her Client terminal and the execution process is ini- tiated. Normally the transaction is executed at the prices the Client can see on his/her Client terminal. Due to the high volatility of the markets as well as the internet connectivity betweenthe Client terminal and the server, the prices requested by the Client and the cur- rent market price may change, during the confirmation process. Without prejudice to Clause 8.16 below, in this event, the Company has the right to decline the Client’s requested price and offer a new price. The Client can ei- ther accept the new price and execute the transaction or refuse the new price, thus cancelling the execution of the transaction.
  • Without prejudice to Clause 16 below, under certain trading conditions it may be impossible to execute Orders ona Financial Instrument at the declared price. In this case the Company reserves the right to execute the Order orchange the opening or closing price of the trans- action at a first available price. This may occur, for exam- ple, attimes of rapid price movement if the price rises or falls in one trading session to such an extent that under the rules of the relevant exchange, trading is suspended or restricted. Or this may occur in the trading session start moments (opening gaps). So as a result, placing a “Stop Loss” Order will not necessarily limit the Client’s losses to the intended amounts, because market condi- tions may make it impossible to execute such an Order at thestipulated price.
  • The Client’s attention is drawn to the Order Execution Policy, which is circulated to the Client togeth- er with thisAgreement, in order to obtain further details regarding the mechanisms that the Company employs to manage price In case of force-majeure, hacker attacks or oth- er illegal actions against the Electronic TradingPlatform or the equipment of the Company, and also in case of a suspension of trade in the financial markets concerning Financial Instruments, the Company may suspend, freeze or close the Client’s positions and request the revision of the executed Transactions; Provided that, the Company shall always ensure that it acts in the best interests of the Client and no lim- itation of liability herein contained shall be enforceable if and to the extent that they conflict with any regulatory obligations.By entering into this agreement, the Client duly acknowledges and agrees that:The Company’s trading hours may be different from the hours that a specific Financial Instrument is tradable in any other market. The Company reserves the right to take any action, at its sole discretion, thatincludes but it’s not limited to execution, modification, opening and clos- ing of any of the Clients positions as a result of the price movements outside Company’s Trading Hours.
  • To the extent permitted by Applicable Regu- lations, the Client agrees that the Company will not owe the Client any duties of best execution in respect of any regulated investments services falling outside the scope of
  • There are a number of situations where the Company will not owe the Client any duties of best exe- cution (as more fully set out in the information regard- ing our Order Execution Policy). These include without limitation the following When the Client gives specific instructions to the Company and the Company executes Client’s order in accordance with those instruc- tions, the Company will have discharged its duties to the extent of those instructions.
  • When executing orders on Client’s behalf the Company will do this in accordance with its Order Exe- cution Policy as amended from time to time to which the Client Company’s Order Execution Policy is pre- sented together with this Agreement. The latest version of Company’s Order Execution Policy will also be avail- able on the Company Website or from Client’s usual con- tact with the Company.
  • Considering the volume of the Client’s order and the current market conditions, the Company reserves the right toproceed with partial execution of the
  • The Company has the right, at its absolute dis- cretion, to increase or decrease the spreads of any Finan- cial Instrument depending on the current market condi- tions and the characteristics of Client’s order, provided that, when exercising its discretion to set new spreads, the Company shall always act without jeopardizing and never at the expense of, its obligations to comply with best execution
  • The level of Swap rates may vary in size and change depending on the market conditions and at Com- pany’s
  • The Company reserves the right to disable and/or enable swap free trading for Client ‘s Trading Ac- count atany given time if it has enough reasons to believe that the Client is abusing the Company’s systems and trading conditions or where the Client’s trading strategy imposes a threat to the Company’s smooth operation of its trading
  • The one (1) standard Lot size is the measure- ment unit specified for each Financial Instrument traded in the Electronic Trading The Company only accepts orders that are placed in the Lot Sizes described in the Contract Specifications section on the Company’s website. The Company may change the contract specifi- cationsat any time depending upon the market situation. The Client further acknowledges that it is his sole respon- sibility to review the Contract Specifications located on the Company’s website before placing any order with the Company.
  • The Client has the right to request to change his/her account Leverage at any time during his relation- ship with the The Client acknowledges that the Company has the right, at its absolute discretion, to modi- fy at any time the Client’s Trading Account Leverage with- out Clients consent, either permanently or for a limited period of time by informing the Client by written notice sent either by regular mail or email, or though the Elec- tronic Trading Platform.
  • By entering into this agreement, the Client acknowledges that he/she has read, understood and ac- cepts the “Leverage Levels” as these are described in the Company’s website, and that the Client’s Trading AccountLeverage may be changed by the Company based on Cli- ent’s deposit amount or exposure on a single Financial
  • Trading operations using additional func- tions/plug-ins made available through the Electronic Trading Platform such as “Trailing Stop” or “Expert Ad- viser” are executed completely and exclusively under the Client’s responsibility and at his/her own risk, as they depend directly upon the Client, and the Company bears no responsibility The Company reserves the right to accept or reject at its own discretion the use of additional functions/plug-ins of the Electronic Trading Platform and in case these additional functions/plug-insaffect the reliability and/or smooth operation and/or or- derly of the Company’s Trading Platform to immediately terminate by way of written notice the relationship with the Client.
  • The Company has the right, at its own discre- tion, to start closing Clients positions at margin level less than 50% and at margin level of equal or less than 20% the Company will automatically close Client’s positions at market price

If any underlying asset/security of the Finan- cial Instrument offered by the Company                     becomes subject to any adjustments as a result of any of the events de- scribed below (referred to as “Corporate Events”), the Company will determine the appropriate adjustment, if any, to be made to the opening/closing price, size, value and/or quantity of the corresponding transaction, includ- ing the level or size of the corresponding order. This ad- justment is made in order to (i) account for the diluting or concentrating effect necessary to preserve the economic equivalent of the rights and obligations of the parties un- der the transaction immediately prior to that Corporate Event, and/or (ii) replicate the effect of the Corporate Event upon someone with an interest in the relevant un- derlying asset/security, to be effective from the date de- termined by the Company.

 “Corporate Events”: means any of the following events by the declaration of the  issuer of the asset/secu- rity:

  • A subdivision, consolidation or reclassification of shares, a share buy-back or cancellation, or a free distribution of bonus shares to existing shareholders, capitalization or share split or re- verse share split or similar event;
  • A distribution to existing holders of the under- lying shares of additional shares, other share capital or securities, granting the right to pay- ment of dividends and/or proceeds from the liquidation of the issuer equally proportionate to such payment to holders of the underlying shares, securities or warrants granting theright to receive or purchase shares for less than the current market price per share;

Any other event regarding shares analogous to any of the above events or otherwise having a diluting or concentrating effect on the market value of shares; or

  • Any event analogous to any of the above events or otherwise having diluting or concentrating effect on the market value of any security not based on shares;
  • Any event that is caused by a merger offer made regarding the company of the underlying asset/ security;

The Company bears no responsibility for notifying the Client regarding announcements of Corporate Events.

  • If any underlying asset/security of the Finan- cial Instrument offered by the Company becomes subject to a specific risk resulting in a predicted fall in value, the Company reserves the right to restrict short selling or even to withdraw the specific Financial Instrument from the Company’s Electronic Trading
  • Determination of any adjustment or amend- ment to the opening/closing price, size, value and/or quantity of the Transaction (and/or the level or size of any Order) shall be at the Company’s sole discretion and shall be conclusiveand binding upon the The Com- pany shall inform the Client of ay adjustment or amend- ment by written notice sent either by regular mail or email, or though the Electronic Trading Platform as soon as is reasonably practicable. Inthe case where the Client has any Open Posi- tions on the ex-dividend day for any of the underlying as- sets/securitiesof the Financial Instrument, the Company has the right to close such positions at the last price of the previous trading day and open the equivalent volume of the underlying Financial Instrument at the first available price on the ex-dividend day. In this case, the Company will inform the Client of the said adjustment, by written notice sent either by regular mail or email, or though the Electronic Trading Platform as soon as is reasonably practicable, and no Client consent will be required.


  • Where the Company determines that the Cli- ent either once-off or systematically takes advantage of delayed or wrong price feeds by trading on them, the Company reserves the right (a) to adjust the price(s) and/or thespread provided to the Client, (b) to delay the price confirmation and/or re-quote the price offered., (c) to restrict Client’s access to the Electronic Trading Plat- form and/or provide only manual quotes, (d) to retrieve any historic profits from the Client’s Trading Account, provided that it can document that such trading profits have been obtained as a result of a price(s) abuse at any time during the relationship with the , (e) toimme- diately terminate by way of written notice the relation- ship with the Client.
    • Clients must be aware that CFD and other Transac- tions relating to foreign exchange carry a high degree of risk. The amount of Initial margin may be small relative to the value of the foreign currency so that transactions are ‘leveraged’ or ‘geared’. A relatively small market move- ment may have a proportionately larger impact on the funds that the Client has deposited or will have to This may work against as well as for the customer.
    • Without prejudice to Clause 24 above, the Company exclusively reserves the right to widen its vari- able spreads, adjust leverage, change its rollover rates and/or increase the Margin requirements, without no- tice, under certain market conditions, including but not limited to, when the trading desk is closed, aroundfun- damental announcements, as a result of changes in cred- it markets, at times of extreme market volatility and/or when the Company deems that such exposure is risky and that it is not possible for the Company to mitigate its risks.
    • In such circumstances, the Client agrees to in- demnify the Company for any and all losses that may oc- cur due to the widening of spreads and the adjustment of




  • The Company reserves the right, at any time during its relationship with the Client and at its own discretion, to refuse the provision of any investment or ancillary ser- vice, including but not limited to theexecution of instruc- tions for the purpose of trading in Financial Instruments, without giving any notice and/or explanation to the Cli- Among the cases that the Company is entitled to do so are the following(the list is not exhaustive):
  1. If the Client does not have the required funds deposited in the Company’s Client Bank Ac- count;Whenever the Company is of the opinion that the Order violates the smooth operation or the reliability of the Company’s Trading Platform;
  2. Whenever the Company is of the opinion that the Order aims at manipulating the market of the specific Financial Instrument;
  3. Whenever the Company is of the opinion that the Order is a result of the use of inside confi- dential information (insider trading);
  4. Whenever the Company is of the opinion that the Order aims to legalize the proceeds from il- legal acts or activities (money laundering).
    • The Company reserves the right to refuse the execution of a pending order and/or modify the opening/ closing price of an Order in case a technical or any other type of error
    • The Client accepts that any refusal by the Com- pany to execute any of his/her Order shall be without prejudice and shall not affect any obligation which the Client may have towards the Company or any right which the Company may have against the Client or his





  • The Company shall proceed to a settlement of all Transactions upon execution of such Unless otherwise agreed, the settlement of Transactions shall be in accordance with the normal practice for the Financial Instruments or market concerned.A statement of Account will be provided by the Company to the Client on a monthly basis, within five (5) Business Days from the end of the previous month. In case no transactions were concluded in the past month, then no statement of Account will be provided. A state- ment of Account or certification or confirmation issued by the Company in relation to any Transaction or other matter shall be final and binding on the Client, unless the Client file in writing his objection within two (2)Business Days from the receipt of the said statement of Account or certification or confirmation.
  • The Company is considering its obligations under paragraph 2 as fulfilled since the account state- ment as well as confirmation of any Transaction will be available online and via the Company’s Trading Platform. Any objection which the Client may have regarding his/ her executed transaction shall be valid only if it isreceived by the Company in writing within two (2) Business Days from the said Transaction.





  • The Company takes all reasonable steps to obtain the best possible results for

 its Clients when executing Client orders in relation to Financial instruments. The Company’s “Order Execution Policy” sets out a general overview of how orders are executed as well as several other factors that can affect the execution of a Financial Instrument.

  • The Company’s “Order Execution Policy” forms part of the Client’s agreement with the Company and therefore by entering into this agreement with the Company the Client also agrees to the terms of the “Order Execution Policy”.
  • The Client acknowledges and accepts that he has read and understood the “Order Execution Policy” docu- ment, which was provided to him/her during the account opening process and which is uploaded on theCompany’s website.
  • By entering into this agreement, the Client shall have deemed to have given his/her express consent to theCompany to execute or receive and transmit for ex- ecution Client’s orders outside of a regulated market ormultilateral trading facility (“MTF”).





  • The Client shall open an account with the Company in order to conclude any Transaction involving Financial Instruments offered by the Company, as specified in this
  • The Client does not intend to use this Account for payment to third
  • In order to open an account, the Client will need to fill out Company’s application form and provide allrequired documents as described on the relevant
  1. Application Form – Natural Persons or
  2. Application Forms – Legal Entities
    • If the Client has opened more than one Ac- count, the Company shall be authorized to consider and treat these different Accounts as a single Among other rights that the Company has in the way of handing these accounts is the transferring of funds between ac- counts to cover possible negative balances, of any ofthese accounts, without this affecting in any way the other right of the Company.
    • Any funds received in a currency for which the Client does not hold an account shall be converted by the Company into the Client’s Base The conversion shall be made at the exchange rate applied on theday and at the time when the relevant funds are at the disposal of the Company. On request, the Client may open a sub-ac- count.
    • This Agreement shall become effective upon the first funding of the Client’s Trading Account, provided the Company has sent the Client a written confirmation for his
    • It is the Client’s sole responsibility to inform the Company as to whether information concerning the Client’sTrading Account Transactions should be reported to the Client’s employer, including its compliance officer, and as to whether contract notes and statements of the Client’s Trading Account should be sent to that compli- ance officer or to any other person authorized by Client’s employer to receive such




  • Without limitation to the provisions of paragraph

16.6 hereof, when holding Client Money on the Client’s behalf, the Company shall take every possible measure to safeguard the funds against the use of client funds for its own account.Client’s funds will be held by a bank and/or any other institution which the Company may select, as permitted under ApplicableRegulation, in a bank account opened in the name of the Client and/or in the name of the Company acting on behalf of the Client, in a separate bank account specially designated as “Client Bank Ac- count”.

1) The Company will maintain separate records in the accounting system of its own funds/assets and funds/assets kept on behalf of Clients so as at any time and without delay to distinguish funds held for one Cli- ent from funds held for any other Client, and from its own funds/assets.

2)  One of the risks of holding Client Money and Margin in segregated accounts is that market movements may cause a Client’s Trading Account to go into negative equity and the Company may be unable to redeem these funds, thus creating a deficit in the other Client’s Trading Account and Margin. To reduce this risk, theCompany op- erates an Automated Margin Stop Out System designed to prevent any Client from falling into a negative balance. Additionally, the Company brings these negative balances onto its own balance sheet as acost of business.


    • The Company shall inform the Client of the name, address and account number of the Company’s Client Bank Account for transferring It is Clients respon- sibility to read and understand the additional informa- tion provided on each payment method provided by the Company.
    • The Client shall clearly specify his/her name and all required information, in accordance with applica- ble international regulations related to the fight against money laundering and terrorism financing, on the pay- ment It is the Company’s policy not to accept payments from third parties to be credited to the Compa- ny’s Client Bank Account.
    • Any funds to be sent to the Company to its Cli- ent Bank Account should only be sent by the Client him- self and not by any third


  • Any funds transferred by the Client to the Company’s Client Bank Account will be deposited in the account at the “value date” of the received payment and net of any deduction/charges by the transferring bank. TheCompany must be satisfied that the sender is the Cli- ent before making any amount available to the Client’s Trading Account, and the Company may, at its discretion, refund/send back the net amount received to the remit- ter by the same method as received or as otherwise de- termined by the
  • The Client is solely and fully responsible for payment details that are given to the Company and the Company accepts no responsibility for the Client’s funds, if any payment details are proved to be wrong or The Companyshall not be liable for any funds not depos- ited directly into the Company’s bank accounts.
  • The Company has the right to refuse a Client’s transferred funds in any of the following cases (the list is notexhaustive):
  • If the funds are transferred by a third party;
  • If the Company has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the person who transferred the funds was not a duly authorized person;
  • If the transfer violates Maltese
  • In any of the above cases the Company will send back the received funds to the remitter by the same meth- od asthey were received and the Client will suffer the rel- evant Client Bank Account provider
    • By signing this Agreement, the Client gives his/her consent and authorizes the Company to make de- posits andwithdrawals from the Client’s Trading Account on the Client’s behalf, including but not limited to, for set- tlementof transactions performed by or on behalf of the Client, for payment of all amounts due by or on behalf of the Client to the Company or any other
    • The Client has the right to withdraw the funds which are not used for margin covering, free from any ob- ligations(i.e. Free Margin) from the Client’s Trading Ac- count without closing the said
    • Unless the Parties otherwise agree in writing, any amount payable by the Company to the Client, shall be transferred directly to the Client’s personal bank ac- count. Fund transfer requests are processed by the Com- pany within the time period specified on the Company’s website and the time needed for crediting into the Cli- ent’spersonal bank account will depend on the Compa- ny’s Client Bank Account The Balance shall be reduced by the transferring amount on the day the trans- fer request is received. The Company may either decline awithdrawal request if the request is not in accordance with the provisions of this section of the Agreement, or delay the processing of the transfer request if the Compa- ny is not satisfied on the documentation made available by and for the Client and until such time as the Company shall be so satisfied.


Client’s withdrawals should be made using the same method used by the   Client to fund his Trading Account andto the same remitter. The Company reserves the right to refuse a withdrawal request from the Client with a specificpayment method and suggest another pay- ment method where the Client needs to proceed with a new withdrawalrequest, or request further documenta- tion while processing the withdrawal request. If the Com- pany is notsatisfied with any documentation provided by or on behalf of the Client, the Company may, at its discre- tion, reverse the withdrawal transaction and deposit the amount back into the Client’s Trading Account net of any charges/fees charged by the Client Bank Account provid- ers. Where applicable, the Company reserves the right to send Client’s funds only in the currency as these funds were deposited.During the continuance of transactions with the Company, and until complete settlement of all amounts due at any time by the Client to the Company, the Client hereby acknowledges and accepts that the Company shall, without prejudice to any of the Compa- ny’s rights under the law or this Agreement, have a gen- eral preferential lien and right of retention upon all and/ or any of the Client’s monies, negotiable instruments and other assets of whatever nature at any time coming into its possessions, custody or power, in respect of and assecurity for any monies and liabilities which now are, or at any time hereafter may be due or owing by the Client to the Company in any manner whatever whether alone or jointly with any other person(s) and under whatever name, style or firm and whether such liabilities are actual or contingent, direct or collateral. The Company may, at its discretion, from time to time and without the Client’s authorization or prior notice, set-off any amounts held on behalf and/or to the credit of the Client against  any of the Client’s obligations towards the Company and/or merge, consolidate or combine any accounts of the Client with the Company. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Company and the Client, this Agreement shall notgive rise to rights or credit facilities.


In the event that any amount received in the Client Bank Account is reversed by the Client Bank Ac- count provider at any time and for any reason, the Com- pany will immediately reverse the affected deposit from theClient’s Trading Account and reserves the right to reverse any other type of Transaction effected after the date of the affected deposit. These actions may result in a negative Balance in all or any of the Client’s Trading Account and the Client hereby shall accept such a nega- tive Balance. The Company reserves the right to merge, set-off,consolidate or combine any accounts of the Client with the Company as per paragraph 15.11.


The Client warrants and acknowledges that he/she has read understood and accepted the additional information, including costs and fees, regarding depos- its and withdrawals provided for each payment method which are available on the Company’s website. The Com- pany reserves the right to amend at its discretion all such costs and fees. Information on such amendments will be made available on the Company’s Website which the Cli- ent must regularly review during the term of this Agree- ment.


The Client acknowledges that in case the Company’s Client Bank Account is frozen for any given period and forany given reason the Company assumes no responsibility and Client’s funds will also be frozen.


By entering into this agreement, the Client waives any and all rights to receive any interest earned in moneys heldin the Client Bank Account and consents that the Company shall benefit from any such interest earned to cover the registration, general expenses, charges, fees and interest related to the administration and mainte- nance of theClient Bank Account. These expenses will not be passed to the Client.


By entering into this agreement, the Client gives his/her consent and authorizes the Company, where applicable, to transfer/hold Client’s funds to another EU Member State authorized broker in which the Client’s funds will belocated in a segregated Client Bank Account. The Client also consents that his/her funds, where appli- cable, canbe deposited in an omnibus account.




  • The Investment Services may involve margined transactions, where you are required to provide and maintain Margin to/with the Company in order to secure performance of your obligations towards the Company under one or more contracts. The amount of your Mar- gin requirement may change throughout the duration of your Position(s) according to the performance of the Position(s) and other factors at the Company’s sole dis- Failure to meet your Margin requirement at any time may result in the closing out of any open Position(s), at the Company’s discretion, which may result in losses.
  • Margin is at all times to be paid or maintained in cash, in such amount and manner and in such curren- cy as is requested by the Company at its sole With the prior agreement of the Company, you may, how- ever,provide the Company with a bank guarantee, in a form acceptable to the Company, instead of cash, for the purpose of meeting your Margin requirement from time to time.
  • The Client shall without delay pay to the Com- pany or otherwise maintain in his Trading Account an amount ofMargin equal to not less than the Margin re- quirement which shall include:
  1. such amounts of money as required by the Company as Initial Margin or variation Margin in respect ofPosition(s);
  2. such amounts of money, as may be required from time to time, due to the Company, under a Position(s);and
  3. such amounts of money, as may be required, in or towards clearance of any debit balance on any Client’s Trading


  • Profits from time to time under Position(s) will be applied as Margin in your Trading Account and any losses, from time to time under Position(s), will be deducted from the Balance in your Trading
  • Without limiting your obligation to meet the Margin requirement, the Company will have no obliga- tion to ensure that your Margin requirement has been satisfied by you before effecting a Transaction and your obligations inrespect of a Position will not be diminished by any failure by the Company to enforce payment of out- standingMargin prior to entering into the
  • Any monies paid or held in and linked to your Trading Account that represent any Margin will be treat- ed as Client Money in the manner set out in this Agree- The Company may (but shall not be obliged to) con- vert any Margin or other monies held by it for you, into such other currency/ies as the Company considers nec- essary or desirable to cover your obligations and liabil- ities towards the Company, in that currency and at such rate/s ofexchange, as the Company shall select. Any such instances captured by this clause refer to the obligation/ liability of the Client towards the Company to effect pay- ment of outstanding fees/charges owed to the Company and/or ancillary/additional administration fees/charges or disbursements paid out by the Company to third par- ties,including banks, on behalf of the Client, for which the Company seeks to be reimbursed. Any and all such fees/ charges shall be disclosed on the Company’s website.


If you fail to provide any Margin to meet your Margin requirement or other sum due under this Agree- ment, the Company may close out any Open Position without prior notice to you and apply any proceeds there- of to paymentof any amounts due to the Company.

  • You shall promptly deliver any money deliverable under a Position in accordance with the terms of that Transaction and with any instructions given by the Company and to this end you grant the Company your unequivocal and irrevocable authorisation to handle your money in accordance with the provisions of this para- graph until the termination of the




  • The Company is entitled to receive fees from the Client for any services provided under this Agreement as well as compensation for any expenses it may incur for purposes of this Agreement and the execution of the said The Company is entitled to modify, from time to time, the size, amounts and percentage rates of its feesand expenses for which the Client will be informed accordingly. The Client shall pay the Company any amount which he/she owes the Company when due in freely transferable, cleared and available same day funds, in the currency and to the accounts which the Company spec- ifies, and without making any set-off, counterclaim, de- duction or withholding, unless the Client is required to do so by law.
  • The Company may deduct its charges from any funds which it holds on the Client’s behalf. For this pur- pose, the Company will be entitled to combine or make transfers between any of the Client’s Trading TheCompany has the right to close any open positions of the Client in order to settle any obligations owned by the Client to the Company.
  • The Company will, at its discretion, charge the Client interest, up to the maximum rate permitted by law, on any amounts due from the Client to the Company which are not paid when due, at such rate as is reasonablydetermined by the Company as representing the cost of funding such overdue Interest will accrue on a daily basis. Furthermore, in case the Client fails to make the required deposit within the given deadline the Com- pany may also proceed with the sale of Financial Instru- ments from the Client’s Trading Accounts without further notice to the Client unless otherwise agreed upon by the Company and the Client. The Company will then notify the Client of the effected sale orally, via email or by send- ing a relevant notification via the Company’s Electronic Trading Platform.
  • The Company may deduct or withhold all forms of tax from any payment if obliged to do so under Applicable Regulations. If the Client is required by law to make any deduction or withholding in respect of any pay- ment,the Client agrees to pay such amount to the Compa- ny as will result in Company receiving an amount equal to the full amount which would have been received had no deduction or withholding been required. The Company may debit amounts due from any of the Client’s Trading
  • The Company is not responsible for paying the Client’s tax obligations in relation to possible income tax orsimilar taxes imposed on him/her by his/her juris- diction on profits and/or for trading in Financial Instru-
  • The Company shall be entitled to demand that expenses arising from client relationship such as tele- phone, fax, courier, and postal expenses in cases where the Client requests hardcopy account statements, trade confirmations etc. that could have been delivered elec- tronically by the Company, or any other expenses derived without limitation from reminders or legal
  • The Client acknowledges and accepts that in case of no activity including funding or trading, within one year, the Company reserves the right to charge an annual fixed administrative fee of 25 US dollars (or cur- rency equivalent) assuming that the Trading Account has the available In the case where the funds are not available in the Client’s Trading Account the Company will charge a lower amount and close the said account.
  • Commissions may be charged either in the form of a percentage of the overall value of the trade or as fixed amount. Therefore, the Client needs to ensure that he/she understands the amount that the percentage amounts


  • In the case of financing fees, the value of opened positions in some types of Financial Instruments is increased or reduced by a daily financing fee “swap” throughout the life of the Financing fees are based on prevailing market interest rates, which may vary over time.
  • By entering into this Agreement, the Client dully acknowledges that he/she has read, understood and accepted the information under the title “Contract Specifications” as these are uploaded on the Company’s website, in which all relevant details regarding margin, leverage, spreads, commission, costs and fees are ex- The Company reserves the right to amend at its discretion all such spreads, commission, costs and fees, and information on suchamendments will be made avail- able on the Company’s Website. It is the Client’s responsi- bility to visit theCompany’s website and review the “Con- tract Specifications” during the time he is dealing with the Company as well as prior to placing any orders with the Company.


    • The Company, further to the fees and charges paid by the Client or other person on behalf of the Client, as stated in paragraph 17 of this Agreement, may pay and/ or receive fees/commission to/from third-parties, pro- vided that these benefits are designed to enhance the quality of the offered service to the Client and not impaircompliance with the Company’s duty to act in the best in- terests of the The Company may pay fees/commission to Introducing Brokers, referring agents, or other third parties, based on a written agreement. This fee/commis- sion is related to the frequency/volume of transactions performed by the referred Client through the Company. The Company shall maintain a record of any such fees/ commissions paid out as afore-described which  record shall be made available for inspection by the MFSA when conducting compliance visits on site. The Company has the obligation and undertakes to disclose to the Client, upon his request, further details regarding the amount of fees/commission or any other remuneration paid by the Company to Introducing Brokers, referring agents, or other third parties, provided that, the Client shall not in- cur/be charged additional fees byvirtue of the fact that it was introduced to the Company by an Introducing Broker as opposed to the Companysoliciting the Client directly.
    • The Company may also receive fees/commis- sion as well as other remuneration from third parties based on a written The Company may receive fees/commission from the counterparty through which it executes transactions (if applicable). This fee/commission is related to the fre- quency/volume of transactions executed through the counterparty. The Company has the obligation and un- dertakes to disclose to the Client, upon his request, fur- ther details regarding the amount of fees/commission or any other remuneration received by the Company from third parties.




  • The Client may have been recommended by an In-troducing Broker as defined in paragraph 2 of this Agree- ment (definition of terms).
  • The Company undertakes to provide relevant details to the MFSA of any Introducing Brokers appointed by it to introduce new business in so far as an Introduc- ing Broker is prohibited from acting as introducer to/for more than one licensed entity authorised by the MFSA to provide investment Furthermore, the Company shall procure that the Introducing Broker undertakes not to hold it/him/herself out to the general public as acting as introducer and shall not actively promote its/his/her introducing services to Clients or potential clients.
  • The Company shall not be liable for any type of agreement that may exist between the Client and the Introducing Broker or for any additional costs that might occur as a result of this
  • Based on a written agreement with the Com- pany, the Company may pay a fee or Commission to the Introducing Broker as defined in paragraph 18 of this Agreement (Inducements).
  • The Company shall remain responsible for ‘know your customer’ due diligence and checks and can- not reply on the Introducing Broker’s opinion in relation to the
  • The Client acknowledges that the Introduc- ing Broker is not authorised to provide or promote any licensable activity or Investment Service on behalf of the Company, nor to act as a representative of the Company, nor is it authorized to assist the Client in the completion of any relevant documentation in relation to the provision of Investment Services by the Company or to provide any guarantees or any promises with respect to the Company or its This is to say that, the Introducing Broker’s sole involvement will be limited to arranging a meeting between the Company and the Client and possibly attend- ing the meeting if/when required.
  • The Client acknowledges that any such Intro- ducing Broker shall act as an independent intermediary and shall not be authorized to make any binding com- mitments on behalf of or representations concerning the Company or its Investment Services, nor to receive funds from the said Client in relation to the provision of Invest- ment Services by the


  • The funds credited to the Client’s Trading Account with the Company shall not bear
  • By accepting this Agreement, the client gives his/her express consent and waives any of his/her rights to receive any interest earned on his/her funds held on the bank accounts of the Company and consents that the Company shall benefit from any such interest earned to cover the registration, general expenses, charges, fees and interest related to the administration and mainte- nance of the Client Bank




  • The Company is a member of the Investor Compen- sation Scheme (ICS) for the benefit of clients of Maltese investment firms. The maximum amount of compensa- tion is the lesser of 90% of all claims or up to €20,000. For more information regarding the ICS please refer to the information available on the Company’s website. Fur- ther details can be provided on
  • By entering into this agreement, the Client acknowledges that he/she has read, understood and ac- cepted the “Investor Compensation Scheme” document which is uploaded on the Company’s




  • If the Client has any cause for complaint in relation to any aspect of Client’s relationship with the Company, thecomplaint should be addressed to the Back office de- partment using the relevant document (Complaint Han- dling Form) which is available on the Company’s
  • The Client shall complete all fields of the “Com- plaint Handling Form”.
  • The complaint must not include:


  1. Affective appraisal of the conflict situation;
  2. Offensive language;
  3. Uncontrolled




Under Applicable Regulations the Company is re- quired to have arrangements in place to manage conflicts of interest between the Company and its Clients and be- tween Company’s different Clients. The Company oper- ates in accordance with a Conflicts of Interest Policy it has put in place for this purpose under which the Company has identified those situations in which there may be a conflict of interest. The Company will make all reasonable efforts to avoid conflicts of interest and when they can- not be avoided the Company shall ensure that Clients are treated fairly and at the highest level of integrity and that their interests are protected at all times. Company’s con- flicts of interest policy is available on Company’s Website. Further details can be provided on request.

  • By accepting this Agreement the Client ac- knowledges and accepts that the Company acts as marker maker and inthis context there may be inherent conflicts of
  • By accepting this agreement the Client ac- knowledges and accepts that he/she has read, under- stood andaccepted the “Conflict of Interest Policy” which was provided to him/her during the registration process and which is uploaded on the Company’s website.






  • In relation to products and services provided by the Company, the Company shall categorize the Client, de- pending on the information that the Client has provided to the Company, as a retail client, professional client or el- igible counterparty (as appropriate). The Company shall notify the Client of such
  • Where the Company has categorized the Client as an Eligible Counterparty the Client may request to be treated as a Professional Client or a Retail Where the Company has categorized the Client as a Professional Client the Client may request to be treated as a Retail Cli- ent. In all cases final decision of changing such a categori- zation will be at the Company’s discretion.
  • Where the Company has categorized the Client as Retail Client, which provides the highest level of pro- tection compared with a Professional Client or Eligible Counterparty, the Client may request in writing to be cat- egorized as a Professional Client or Eligible Counterparty but the final decision of changing such a categorization will be at the Company’s
  • The Client is responsible for keeping the Com- pany informed about any change that might affect his/ her
  • By accepting this Agreement the Client ac- knowledges that he/she has read, understood and ac- cepted the “Client Categorisation” document which was provided to him/her during the registration process and which is uploaded on the Company’s




  • The Company is obliged to conform to the applicable Maltese prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism legislation/regulations and guidance which among other things require investment firms to verify the identity and place of residence of each
  • The Company may also request from the Cli- ent to inform the Company as to one’s source of wealth/ funds and how monies being invested were obtained / This process may require sight of certain documentation. If the Client provides false or inaccurate information and the Company suspect fraud or money laundering it will record this.
  • It is the Company’s policy not to transfer Cli- ent’s funds to third parties unless a written application and explanation is provided by the Client. The Company will not forward any applications or money to thirdparties/product providers until Company’s verification re- quirements have been met. The Company has theright not to carry out or- ders or instructions received from the Client as long as the Client has not supplied the information requested by the The Company takes no responsibility for any delay in investing where money- laundering verifica- tion is outstanding.

The Company has the right to terminate the agreement with the Client immediately and to prohibit the Client from withdrawing any assets if the explana- tions, concerning money laundering and terrorist financ- ing issues,provided, are inadequate or unsatisfactory.





  • The Client may communicate with the Company by registered post, fax or email. All communications be- tween the Company and the Client will be to the address, fax number or email and to the individual/department/ account name specified in “Company’s contact details” section of this Agreement or in any later notification of change in writing.
  • Information may be provided by the Company to the Client in paper format or by email to the Client’s email address provided during his/her registration. The Company shall notify the Client of any material chang- es to the information the Company has provided to the Client using the same medium in which it was originally provided (unless agreed otherwise). All notices/information provided by the Com- pany or received from the Clients should be in English.




  • The Client shall promptly provide the Company with any information which the Company may request from the Client to evidence the matters referred to in this Agreement or to comply with any Applicable Regulations or otherwise, and shall notify the Company if there is any material change to such information.It is the Company’s policy to take all necessary steps to ensure that personal data held is processed fairly and lawfully in accordance with the Data Protection Act (Laws of DOMINICA).The Company holds personal data relating to the Client in connection with products and services the Client has asked the Company to provide. Except to the extent the Company is required or permitted by law or a lawful authority, personal data provided to or obtained by the Company will be used for the purposes of provid- ing the Client with the products and services the Client has requested.The Company may disclose the information which the Client provides to the Company, together with any other information which may relate to Client’s Trad- ing Accounts or to Client’s dealings with the Company, to any affiliate or agent, or in accordance with any Applica- ble Regulations, or where necessary for the performance of Company’s obligations to the Client, or for marketing purposes.Subject to paragraph 27.4 above, the Compa- ny will not, and it will ensure that its affiliates and agents will not, otherwise disclose the information to any oth- er person, unless the Company is permitted to do so by law, and the Company will treat all information which it holds about the Client as private and confidential, even if the Client is no longer the Company’s client. The Compa- ny will not disclose any information which it holds about the Client unless the Company is required to do so by any Applicable Regulations or any lawful authority, or there is a duty to the public to disclose it, or Company’s interests require disclosure, or at Client’s request or with Client’s consent.The Client agrees that the Company and other affiliates of it can, among others:
  1. hold and process by computer or otherwise any information the Company holds about the Cli- ent;
  2. use such information to administer and oper- ate the Client’s Trading Account, to provide any Service to theClient, to monitor and analyse the conduct of the Client’s Trading Account, to as- sess any credit limit or other credit decision, to assess the interest rate, fees and other charges to be applied to the Client’s Trading Account,to enable the Company to carry out statistical and other analysis and to prevent fraud;
  3. disclose such information to Company’s affili- ates;
  4. disclose such information to those who provide services to the Company or act as Company’s agents, to any person to whom the Company transfers or propose to transfer any of Compa- ny’s rights and duties hereunder, or to licensed credit reference agencies or other organisa- tions which help the Company and others to make credit decisions and prevent fraud, or in the course of carrying out identity, fraud pre- vention or credit controlchecks;
  5. analyse and use any information the Company holds about the Client to circulate marketing communications to give to the Client informa- tion about products and Services which the Company believes may be of interest to the Cli- ent. If the Client does not wish to receive such information, please let the Company
    • The Client agrees that the Company may also transfer information it holds about the Client to any coun- try, including countries outside the European Economic Area, which may not have data protection legislation, for any of the purposes described in this section, and accord- ing to the provisions of the Data Protection Act (laws of DOMINICA).
    • If the Client is an individual, the Company is obliged to supply the Client, on reasonable request, with information about the personal data which it holds about the Client (if any).
    • By entering into this Agreement, the Client acknowledges and agrees that all communication including telephone conversations between the Client and the Company may be recorded and that the Company may deliver copies of transcripts of such recordings to any court, regulatory or government authority. All Instruc- tions, requests or Orders received by telephone will be binding as if received in writing.
    • The property of all recordings shall be and remain the sole properties of the Company and will be accepted by the Client as conclusive evidence in case of any legal dispute and/or
    • The Company will treat the information that holds about the Client in strict confidentiality and will not use it outside the scope for the provision of Services de- scribed in this Information of a confidentialnature will be treated as such provided that such infor- mation is not already in the public domain or in the legal possession of the Company and was not subject to an ob- ligation of confidence or non-disclosure at the moment of its receipt by the Company.
    • Without the other’s consent, neither the Company or the Client shall disclose or use for any pur- pose except as contemplated under this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement or the relevant additional agree- mentany information disclosed to them by the disclosing party in connection with the Company, except to the ex- tentthat such information is:
  • Already available in the public domain, other than as a result of breach of an agreement be- tween the Client and the Company;
  • Already known to the receiving party at the time of disclosure;
  • Required to be disclosed under Applicable Reg- ulations or court order; or
  • Requested by a


Without prejudice to any other provisions herein contained, the Company will only disclose infor- mationof confidential nature only in the following cases:

  • Whenever it is required to do so by any regula- tory and/or enforcement authorities or bodies that have jurisdiction over the Company;
  • With the purpose of preventing fraud, illegal ac- tivity, anti money laundering or terrorist financ- ing;
  • For the purposes related to credit or identifica- tion enquiries or assessments;
  • To bring or defend judicial proceedings be- tween the Company and the Client;
  • To any of the Company’s consultants, lawyers or auditors provided that in each case these will be informed about the confidential nature of such information and commit to the confidentiality herein obligations as well; or
  • At the Client’s request or with the Client’s con- sent including where necessary or advisable to provide a service or execute a transaction re- quested by the Such disclosure shall occur on a “need to know”ba- sis, unless otherwise instructed. Under such circumstanc- es, the Company shall expressly inform thethird party re- garding the confidential nature of the information.


Before providing the Company with any in- formation relating to identifiable living individuals in connection with this Agreement the Client should ensure that those individuals have consented to him/herprovid- ing the Company with their information and are aware: of Company’s identity; that the Company may use their in- formation to develop its services to clients and protect its interests; that the Company mayrecord or monitor phone calls and monitor electronic communications (including emails and other electronic communications) between the Client and the Company for compliance purposes; that the Company and other members of its group may use their information for marketing purposes (includingletter, telephone, email or other methods) to inform the Client or them about services which may be of interest to the Client or them; that this may  involve  disclosure  of their information and transfer of their information to any country, including countries outside the European Economic Area which may not have strong data protec- tion laws or where authorities may have access to their information; however, if the Company does transfer per- sonal data to countries outside the European Economic Area, the Company will make sure that the same or an adequate level of protection as it is required to provide in the European Economic Area is applied to their personal data; that the Company may retain their informationafter Client’s cease to be a client, for as long as permitted for legal, regulatory, fraud and legitimate business purposes.



  • The Client will not, without Company’s prior written consent in each instance, (a) use in advertising, publicity, monitoring or other promotional materials or activities, the name, trade name, trademark, trade advice, service mark, symbol or any abbreviations, contraction or simulation thereof, of the Company or Company’s Af- filiates or their respective partners or employees, or (b) represent directly or indirectly that any product or any service provided by the Client has been approved or en- dorsed by the This section shall survive termi- nation of this Agreement.
  • The Client accepts and concerns that the Company may, from time to time, engage companies for statisticalpurposes in order to improve Company’s pro- motional and marketing strategies. As a result, some or all of the Client’s personal data may be disclosed on an anonymous and aggregated basis
  • By entering this Agreement, the Client pro- vides his/her consent to the Company to make direct contact with the Client, from time to time, by telephone, facsimile, email or The Client agrees to such communications and agrees that the Client will not con- sider such communication a breach of any of the Client’s rights under any relevant data protection and/or privacy regulations.
  • The Client acknowledges and accepts that he/she has read, understood and accepted the Compa- ny’s“Privacy Policy” which is uploaded on the Company’s website.




This Agreement may be amended under the following circumstances:

  1. Unilaterally by the Company if such an amend- ment is necessary pursuant to any amendment in the Applicable Regulations or if the MFSA or any competent authority issues a decision which might, in the opinion of the Company, affect this Agreement in any In any such case, the Company shall notify the Client of the said amendment either in writing, including by email, or through the Company’s Website and the Client’s consent shall not be required for any such amendment.
  2. In cases where the amendment of this Agree- ment is not required as in paragraph 1(a) above, the Company shall notify the Client of the relevant amendment either in writing, in- cluding by email or through the Company’s Website. If objections arise, the Client may ter- minate the Agreement within fifteen (15) Busi- ness Days from the notification of the amend- ment by sending the Company a registered letter or by email and on the condition that all pending Transactions on behalf of the Client shall be cancelled and any open positions shall be closed. Upon theexpiration of the aforemen- tioned time period, without the Client having raised any objection, it shall be deemed thatthe Client has consented and/or has accepted the relevant amendment.




  • Either party (Company or Client) can terminate this agreement by giving five (5) business days’ written notice. Termination will be without prejudice to Transac- tions already In the case of such termination, all pending Transactions on behalf of the Client shall be can- celled and any open positions shall be closed.
  • Upon termination of this Agreement the Com- pany will be entitled, without prior notice to the Client, to cease the access of the Client to the Company’s Trading
  • The Company may terminate this Agreement immediately without giving five (5) business days’ notice in the following events of default:
  1. Death of the Client;
  2. If any application is made or any order is issued or a meeting is convened or a resolution is ap- proved or any measures of insolvency, bank- ruptcy or winding up of the Client are taken;
  3. Such termination is required by any competent authority or body or court of law;
  4. The Client violates any provision of this Agree- ment or any other Agreement and in the Com- pany’sopinion the Agreement cannot be imple- mented;
  5. The Client involves the Company directly or in- directly in any type of fraud;
  6. The Client has failed to provide any information related to any investigation or/and verification undertaken by the Company or/and any Regulator or competent authority;
  7. The Client acted in a rude or abusive manner to employees of the Company; or
  8. False and/or misleading information is provid- ed by the Client or the Clientmakes unsubstan- tiated
    • The Company may terminate this Agreement immediately without giving five (5) business days’ notice, and the Company has the right to reverse and/or cancel all previous transactions on a Client’s Trading Account, in the following events of default:
  9. The Client involves the Company directly or in- directly in any type of fraud, in which it places the Company’s or any Company’s Clients’ inter- ests at risk prior to terminating the Agreement; or
  10. The Company has grounds to believe that the Client’s trading activity affects in any manner the reliabilityand/or smooth and orderly oper- ation of the Company’s Trading
    • The termination of this Agreement shall not in any case affect the rights which have arisen, existing commitments or any contractual provision which was in- tended to remain in force after the termination and in the case of termination, the Client shall pay:
  11. Any pending fees/commissions of the Company and any other amount payable to the Company;
  12. Any charge and additional expenses incurred or to be incurred by the Company as a result of the termination of this agreement;
  13. Any damages which arose during the arrange- ment or settlement of pending


The Company has the right to subtract all above pending obligations from the Client’s Trading Account.

  • Upon termination of this Agreement, the Com- pany shall immediately hand over to the Client the Cli- ent’s assets in its possession, provided that the Company shall be entitled to keep such Client’s assets as necessary to pay any pending obligations of the




  • The Client acknowledges that no representations were made to him/her by or on behalf of the Company whichmay have in any way incited or persuaded him/her to enter into this
  • The Client shall not assign charge or otherwise transfer or purport to assign, charge or otherwise trans- fer Client’s rights or obligations under this agreement or any interest in this Agreement, without Company’s prior written consent, and any purported assignment, charge or transfer in violation of this paragraph shall be
  • If the Client is a partnership, or otherwise comprise more than one person, Client’s liability under this Agreement shall be joint and In the event of the demise, bankruptcy, winding-up or dissolution of any one or more ofsuch persons, then (but without prejudice to the above or Company’s rights in respect of such per- son and his successors) the obligations and rights of all other such persons under this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Any reference in this Agreement to the Client shall be construed, where appropriate, as reference to one or more of these persons. Any warning or other notice given to one of the persons which form the Clientshall be deemed to have been given to all the persons who form the Client. Any Order given by one of thepersons who form the Client shall be deemed to have been given by all the persons who form the Client.
  • Any waiver of this agreement must be set out in writing, must be expressed to waive this agreement, and must be signed by or on behalf of both the Company and the
  • Without prejudice to any other rights to which the Company may be entitled, the Company may at any time and without notice to the Client set off any amount (whether actual or contingent, present or future) at any time owing between the Client and the The Company can off-set any owned amounts using any ac- count(s) the Client maintains with the Company.
  • If any provision of this Agreement is or be- comes illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the law ofany jurisdiction, neither the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement nor the legality, validity or enforceability of such provision under the law of any other jurisdiction shall be affected or
  • The Company’s records, unless shown to be wrong, will be evidence of Client’s dealings with the Com- pany in connection with Company’s Services. The Client will not rely on the Company to comply with Client’s re- cord keeping obligations, although records may be made available to the Client on request at Company’s
  • This Agreement and all Transactions are sub- ject to Applicable Regulations so that: (i) if there is any conflict between this Agreement and any Applicable Reg- ulations, the latter will prevail; (ii) nothing in this Agree- ment shall exclude or restrict any obligation which the Company has to the Client under Applicable Regulations; (iii) the Company may take or omit to take any action it considers necessary to ensure compliance with any Ap-plicable Regulations and whatever the Company does or fail to do in order to comply with them will be binding on the
  • All Transactions on behalf of the Client shall be subject to the laws which govern the establishment and operation, the regulations, arrangements, directives, circulars and customs of the MFSA, and any other au- thorities which govern the operation of investment firms or the provision of the Investment Services, as they are amended or modified from time to The Company shall be entitled to take or omit to take any measures which it considers desirable in view of compliance with Applicable Regulations in force at the time. Any such measures asmay be taken and all Applicable Regulations in force shall be binding for the Client.
  • This Agreement may be amended by the Company from time to Any changes to this Agree- ment will not apply to transactions performed prior to the date on which the changes become effective unless specifically agreed otherwise. The Company shall notify the Client of any changes in this Agreement either inwriting, including by email or through the Company’s web- site. Should the Client disagree with the changes madeby the Company, the Client may terminate the Agreement in accordance with paragraph 28 hereof.
  • The Company shall provide no statements of account in relation to Financial Instruments traded through the Client’s Trading The Client may, at any time during his relationship with the Company, re- view thecurrent and any historic state of his/ her Trading Account directly through the trading platform(s).The Client undertakes to pay all stamp duty and expenses relating to this Agreement and any docu- mentation which may be required for the execution of this Agreement and of any transaction hereunder.The location of detailed information re- garding the execution and conditions for the investment transactions in Financial Instrumentsmarkets conducted by the Company, and other information regarding the ac- tivities of the Company, are made available on the Com- pany’s Website. The Client shall regularly visit Company’s website to obtain updatedinformation.The Company, from time to time and as often as it deems appropriate, may issue material (the “Ma- terial”), which contains information including but not limited to the conditions of the financial market, posted through Company’s website and other media. It should be noted that the Material is considered to be marketing communication and are provided to the Client for infor- mation purposes only and does not contain, and should not be construed as containing, investment advice or an investment recommendation or, an offer of or solicitation for any transactions in financial instruments. While the Company takes reasonable care to ensure that informa- tion contained in the Material is true and not misleading at the time of publication, it makes no representation and assumes no liability as to the accuracy or completeness of the information provided, nor any loss arising from any investment based on a recommendation, forecast or oth- er information supplied by any employee of theCompany, a third party or otherwise. The Material is not prepared in accordance with legal requirements promoting the inde- pendence of investment research and it is not subject to any prohibition on dealing ahead of the dissemination of investment research. All expressions of opinion included in the Material are subject to change without notice. Any opinions made may be personal to the author and may not reflect the opinions of theCompany.




On a continuing basis, the Client represents, warrants, covenants and undertakes to the Company, both  in respect of himself and any other person for whom the Client acts as agent, that:

  1. The Client is authorised and has the capacity to enter into this Agreement and any Transactions which may arise under them;
  2. The Client is over 18 years old and/or has full capacity and/or is competent to enter into the present Agreement and is aware of the local laws and regulations of his country of resi- dence in regards to being allowed to enter into this Agreement and the information he pro- vides during the registration process as well as in any Company’s document is true correct, complete and accurate and that he/she will promptly inform the Company of any changes to the details or information provided to the Company;
  3. The Client warrants to the Company that all and any documents delivered by or on behalf of the Client to the Company are at all times true, valid and authentic;
  4. The Client unreservedly states, affirms, war- rants and guarantees that he accepts that the Company will act as a principal and the sole ex- ecution venue for any Orders placed;
  5. The Client unreservedly states, affirms, war- rants and guarantees that he has chosen the investment amount, taking his total financial circumstances into consideration which he/ she considers reasonable under such circum- stances;
  6. Any monies delivered to the Company shall be- long exclusively to the Client, free of any lien, charge, pledge and any other encumbrance, and that they shall not be either directly or in- directly proceeds of any illegal act or omission nor a product of any criminal activity;
  7. The Client acts for himself and not as a repre- sentative nor as a trustee of any third person, unless he has produced, to the satisfaction of the Company, a document of powers of attor- ney enabling him to act as representative and/ or trustee of any third person;
  8. The Client acknowledges that the Company shall not be obliged to inform the Client on  an individual basis for any developments or changes on existing laws, directives, regula- tions, information and policies from any com- petent authority but the Client should refer to the Company’s website to obtain all these data and information as well as to any other docu- mentthat the Company may from time to time publish;






  1. The Client agrees and consents to receive di- rect advertising through cold calling by phone, or personal representation or facsimile or au- tomatic calls or by email or any other electron- ic means by the Company;
  2. There are no restrictions, conditions or re- straints by Central Banks or any governmental, regulatory or supervisory bodies, regulating Client’s activities, which could prevent or oth- erwise inhibit the Client entering into, or per- forming in accordance with this Agreement and/or under any transaction which may arise under them;
  3. Client’s performance under any transaction in accordance with this Agreement does not vio late any agreement and/or contract with third parties;
  4. This Agreement, each Transaction and the ob- ligations created hereunder are binding on the Client and enforceable against the Client in ac- cordance with their terms and do not violate the terms of any Applicable Regulations;
  5. There is no pending or, to the best of the Cli- ent’s knowledge, brought against the Client any action or legal proceeding before any court, ar- bitration court, governmental body, agency or official or any arbitrator that purports to draw into question, or is likely to affect, the legality, validity or enforceability against the Client of this Agreement and any transaction which may arise under them or Client’s ability to perform his/her obligations under this Agreement and/ or under any transaction which may arise un- der them in any material respect;
  6. The Client is not entering into any transaction unless he/she has a full understanding of all of the terms, conditions and risks thereof, and he/she is capable of assuming and willing to assume (financially and otherwise) those risks;
  7. Any information which the Client provides to the Company will not be misleading and will be true and accurate in all material respects. The Client will inform the Company if his/her position changes and information provided to the Company becomes misleading or does not materially represent Client’s capacity and abil- ity to trade with the Company;
  8. The Client warrants that he/she has regular ac- cess to the Internet, and to the e-mail address and mailbox he/she has provided, and it is hereby expressly agreed that it is appropriate for the Company to communicate information, relevant to this Agreement and the provision of the Investment Services, to the Client by elec- tronic means, including through the Company’s Website, even though such information may not be addressed personally to the Client;
  9. No event of default has occurred or is continu- ing.
  10. The Client has carefully read, understood and accepted the entire text of (i) this Agreement,(ii) the information contained on Company’s website and Electronic Trading Platform, (iii) the Risk Disclosure Policy, (iv) the Order Exe- cution Policy, (v) the Conflict of Interest Policy, and (vi) the Client Categorization Policy.
  11. The Client unreservedly states, affirms, war- rants and guarantees that any loss or damage orpenalties or legal costs or otherwise suffered by the Company due to violation of these decla- rations and warranties resulted by false and/or misleading information provided by the Client or unsubstantiated declarations made herein, are subject to full indemnification by the Client towards the



    • The Company will not be liable for any loss, liability or cost suffered or incurred by the Client as a result of providing Services to the Client unless the loss, liability or cost is caused by Company’s negligence, wilful default or fraud committed while acting on Client’s
    • The Company will not be liable for any loss, liability or cost which the Client may  suffer  or incur as a result of the negligence, wilful default or fraud of any third party (including any broker, bank, agent, custodian, investment exchange, depository or clearing house, elec- tronic payment provider) which the Company has taken reasonable care in
    • Neither the Company nor any third party who acts on Company’s behalf in providing a Service to the Client, whether affiliated to the Company or not, nor the Company or its directors, officers, servants,agents or rep- resentatives, will be liable to the Client (except in the case of fraud) for any consequential,indirect, special, inciden- tal, punitive or exemplary loss, liability or cost which the Client may suffer or incur arising out of Company’s acts or omissions under this Agreement, howsoever the loss, liability orcost is caused and regardless of whether it was foreseeable or not. For the purpose of this paragraph, the expression “consequential loss, liability or cost” includes any loss, liability or cost arising from Client being unable to sell Financial Instruments where the price is falling, or from not being able to purchase Financial Instruments where the price is rising, or from being unable to enter into or complete another transaction which requires the Client to have disposed of or purchased the Financial In- struments or any other loss arising as a result of loss of business, profits, goodwill or data and any indirect, spe- cial,incidental, consequential, punitive or exemplary loss, liability or costs, whether arising from negligence,breach of contract or otherwise and whether foreseeable or
    • The Company shall not be liable for any eco- nomic loss or loss of opportunity as a result of which the value of the Client’s Financial Instruments might have in- creased or for any reduction (however great) in the value of the Client’s Financial Instruments, unless to the extent that such loss or reduction is directly due to deliberate omission or fraud by the
    • The Company shall not be held liable for any loss which is or which may be the result of deceit in rela- tion to the facts or mistaken judgment or any act done or which the Company has omitted to do,whenever it arose, unless to the extent that such deceit or act or omission is due directly to deliberate omission or fraud by the Com-
    • The Company shall not be held liable in rela- tion to any omission, negligence, deliberate omission, fraud, or default of the bank where the Client Bank Ac- count is
    • The Company participates in the Investor Compensation Scheme (the “Fund”) in DOMINICA, hence the Company provides retail Clients with the extra security of receiving compensation from the By accepting this Agreement, the Client has read and understood andaccepted the information under the title “Investor Com- pensation Scheme” as this information is made available on Company’s Website.
    • The Client warrants and represents that he/ she shall indemnify the Company and maintain it so in- demnified against any claim, damage, liability, costs or expenses of any third party and/or which maybe satis- fied by the Company and which may arise in relation to this Agreement and/or in relation to the provision of the Investment Services and/or in relation to the disposal of the Client’s FinancialInstruments and/or in relation to the non-fulfilment of any of the Client’s statements and/ or Orders and/or instructions contained in this Agree-
    • The Company will not be liable for any loss or expense incurred by the Client in connection with, or directly or indirectly arising from any error, delay or fail- ure in the operation of the Trading Platform whether the Transaction(s) originated from the client terminal or by telephone;
    • Nothing in this Agreement excludes or limits Company’s liability if any such exclusion or limitation is prohibited by


    • On a continuing basis, the Client shall indemnify the Company against any loss, liability, damage and cost which the Company may suffer or incur under the provi- sion of the Services of this Agreement, including but not limited, (i) as a result of acting on any instruction which the Company reasonably believes to have been approved by the Client or given on Client’s behalf, or (ii) as a result of Client’s breach of any material provision of this agree-


    • The Company will not be liable to the Client for fail- ure to perform any obligation or discharge any dutyowed to the Client under this Agreement if the failure results from any cause beyond Company’s control, including, without limitation,
      1. acts of God, war, fire, flood, explosions, strikes or other industrial disputes;
      2. any breakdown, or interruption of power sup- ply, or failure of transmission or communica- tion or computer facilities;
      3. hacker attacks or other illegal actions against Company’s Electronic Trading Platform or the equipment of the Company;
      4. postal or other strikes or similar industrial ac- tion;
      5. the suspension, liquidation or closure of any market or the abandonment or failure of any venue to which the Company relates its Quotes, or the imposition of limits or special or unusual terms on trading in any such market or on any such event;
      6. the failure of any relevant exchange, clearing house and/or broker for any reason to perform itsobligations;
    • In case such an event occurs, and the Company de- cides in its reasonable opinion that Force Majeure exists, the Company may, without any prior notice to the Client, at any time and without any limitations, take any of the following actions:
      1. increase margin requirements;
      2. determine at its discretion the quotes and spreads that are executable through the Trad- ingPlatform;
      3. decrease leverage;
      4. close out any or all Client’s Open Positions at such prices as the Company considers in good faith to be appropriate;
      5. suspend or freeze or modify any or all terms of this Agreement to the extent that the Force Ma- jeure makes it impossible or impracticable for the Company to comply with them;
      6. suspend the provision of any or all Services of this Agreement;
      7. take or omit to take any other actions as the Company deems reasonable with regards to the position of the Company, the Client and all the other Company
      8. increase margin requirements;
      9. determine at its discretion the quotes and spreads that are executable through the Trad- ingPlatform;
      10. decrease leverage;
      11. close out any or all Client’s Open Positions at such prices as the Company considers in good faith to be appropriate;
      12. suspend or freeze or modify any or all terms of this Agreement to the extent that the Force Ma- jeure makes it impossible or impracticable for the Company to comply with them;
      13. suspend the provision of any or all Services of this Agreement;